Tuesday 10 January 2012

Homework this week


This week is about getting as many ideas down on paper and as many concepts visualised roughly within your sketchbook. In order to do this you will need to research thoroughly and try to think laterally. Collect appropriate material to work from- your own photos and or objects as necessary to translate in drawing in exciting ways. Use your own photos where ever necessary, work from life if possible and aim to show off your good drawing skills using dramatic viewpoint and detail where appropriate. Throughout this week staff will be talking to you about your ideas and running workshops in differing techniques. You will need your own photographs of objects for this.
• 5 initial pages massive brainstorms for 5 different inventions as visual as possible leading to possible concepts for visual T shirts – brainstorm anything and everything to do with your invention when, where, what, whoem, how etc see brief. Draw as soon as possible- get rough ideas down on paper.
• 5 pages of research for 2 of your chosen invention including investigation of text, archival newspaper cuttings, historical articles, maps, etc. Your pages should be visually alive and full of notes, diagrams, sketches and possible ways forward.
• Once you have chosen your invention as many doodles, sketches of ideas to develop and extend as possible. Don’t think that any ideas you have seen are a no go area as it all depends how you do it but on the other hand try to make things as original as possible
• Take 15 initial shots of your object at first to draw from, with people using it. These are to work from in workshops whilst you mull ideas around in your head.
• Once you have a few ideas take further photographs that are necessary for your concept/ and or which show your object in interesting ways. Translate some of these images within at least 3 sustained mono-prints/carbon prints
• 2 gold card.
• 5 quick drawings of your object/ people using wrong hand
• 5 continuous line drawing of your object/ and or people using it
• 2 Sustained tonal drawings using pencil or pen.
• 2 sides on 2 illustrators answering questions. At least 1 response on each . See brief.
• 2 sides on T shirt designers see brief.
• At least two sessions at blogging your findings
Please have as much work for crit time on Friday and make sure all imagery here is complete by MONDAY 17 JANUARY

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