Tuesday, 29 September 2015


Here is homework for this week to be finished by next Tuesday 6th October.  We will start some of this in lessons but you are expected to keep up with research and tasks begun in lessons. Project will be on moodle along with the powerpoint. I will put a link on the blog.   It is essential to read the brief to answer questions.  I'm looking forward to marking your submissions for wasp 1  today!


·         3 pages of mind-mapping for the 3 products, this is anything and everything to do with these objects.  This can be words, phrases, lyrics, colours shapes, things which are obvious and things which are not, famous versions of spectacles, characteristics, definitions of, uses for, who uses it ,
·        Research slogans ( 3 from each of the products) explored with thesaurus, dictionary definition, word play, connection with the wasp, product. Explain what your slogan could mean within mindmaps. 
·        3 Visual moodboards for each product – show visually what your slogan could mean or ideas /characters it  is related to. 
·        Find 2 cutting edge designed leaflets that in your opinion show really good design.  Look on Pinterest or it’s nice that.  Answer questions in 500 words a-d
·        Look at the work of  David Carson , Jan Sagmeister and Kyle Bean who have demonstrated expressive type within their work and who have a website or information detailing their work process. Describe their work.  Answer question A- G
·         3 responses –  1 from each designer
·        2 sets of storyboards of planning for your photoshoot . This must include the product and show how you are interpreting the slogan in your work. You should include details of your intentions for camera angles, location, lighting etc. on your storyboards.
·        1 set of good quality photographs to use within your chosen slogan.  Photographs of your product with/without characters begin drawing from these in sustained ways. 

Friday, 25 September 2015




Evaluations should be 800 words with images.  Please check spelling. 

  1. How exactly did you capture primary and secondary source material for this project ?
  2. What techniques and processes have you chosen to create your most successful  imagery?  Please discuss one in depth.
  3. Discuss the elements you think are important to creating successful observational  study.  Consider analysis, hand and eye co-ordination, appropriate mark making,  expression and gesture. 
  4. What effect have you achieved with this image and how effective do you think it has been at capturing a sense of the wasp ?.        
  5. What kind of marks, expressive or controlled, have you applied, please describe these marks  and how you have produced them.
  6. Which drawing has been successful at observing qualities of the wasp?   How have your marks been  appropriate  to defining the forms of the head, thorax and abdomen?
  7.  What processes were the most successful at giving a sense of this form, and which ones were  better than others?
  8.  How have you used materials to suggest the insect like qualities, what mark making qualities does this process allow you to make and which practitioners have been influencial  in both their mark making , observational analysis and use of material? Please describe who has influenced your imagery and which particular pieces with reasons why?
  9. How did you achieve the Haynes manuel collage?  Describe what  this technique was and how  successful you think these outcomes were .  What qualities have you managed to achieve, what different mood, ideas does this technique evoke?
  10. Please describe in detail how you have produced your laser cut? What did you do, what software have you used  and what kind of qualities does this process produce? 
  11. What health and safety issues do you think you need to be aware of when using it?
  12. What do you think is the potential of this process for making art and design imagery and what are the limitations/drawbacks of it?  Think about repeating images etc, stencils, jewellery etc.
  13. What pieces within your sketchbook show evidence of highly experimental ways of combining and re-combining materials?
  14. Given a bit more time, which pieces do you think you could  improve on and how?
 learners will use highly informed analysis and articulate critical vocabulary continuously in evaluating their exploratory studies. Learners will demonstrate fluency in the imaginative manipulation of materials and use creative experimental techniques to develop exciting work. They will present their knowledge of the potential and limitations of materials, techniques and processes showing independence and innovation in experimental studies. Their work will be characterised by articulate, ongoing review and refinement towards producing sophisticated and highly skilled outcomes.

learners will, independently, select and visually record from primary and other sources using practical skills that draw on a clear understanding and highly informed analysis of sources, creating exciting and imaginative ideas. Well-developed skills in review and evaluation together with refined of visual language, will result in more sophistication.


Please try to use these words when describing your pieces:

mark-making; formal elements eg line, tone, colour, shape and form, pattern and surface; observed studies, primary sources, secondary sources, media, materials, techniques and technology ;visual language eg composition, structure, balance, contrasts, weight
Develop: eg analyse, refine, explore, potential, composition (viewpoint, cropping, enlarging, lighting, movement, structure, balance, arrangement), modify (edit, adjust, clarify, augment, enhance, emphasise, rearrange), feedback

Monday, 21 September 2015

Collage Wasps and Photograms

Make sure you are ready on Friday for Photograms, have drawings, wasps, text prints and wire images ready for experimental session, You will need images on acetate and also some money for photopaper.  - we have limited time in the dark rooms. 

Photomontage Research

John Heartfield 

Katy Lemay

Hannah Hock 
David Mach 

Raoul Haussmann

Please make sure you are answering questions on the brief about Photomontage.
Look up some of the following artists and answer the following:

Su Blackwell
George Grosz                          Barbra Kruger
John Heartfield                       Man Ray
Kurt Schwitters                      Max Ernst
Lucas Samaras                       David Mach

Hannah Höck                         Eduardo Paolozzi
Katy Lemay
Mario Wagner
Raoul Haussmann

  1.    Look up the technique of Photomontage and find out about some the artists above. 
  2. Answer the following questions within 500 words.  Please give examples. 
  •  What is Photomontage and when did it first begin?
  •  Give some early examples, how was it received by the art establishment  Please give background information on this technique such which artists were involved.  Try and answer  – who, what, when , why, how  ..
  •  What movements are associated with the development of Photomontage?
  •  In what way was Photomontage used politically 
  • Give an example of a contemporary artist/designer  who has used photomontage within their work. P3,  M2, D1

Sunday, 20 September 2015



 ·       Complete 2  complex Haynes Manuel images and shrink down on acetate for photogrammes for  Friday’s session in photography. Please have acetates ready of wasp imagery for postcard size photogrammes- BE READY! 
  • ·       2/3 complex coloured magazine collages 
  • ·       Photomontage research.  Answer questions relating to photomontage.  Find 2 contemporary artists or magazine layouts  you like and document their work. 500 words.   Produce 2 responses for each contemporary artist See brief please !
 ·       Text will be given to you, produce 5 different collages, mixed media, using  this text.  

I hope the penny has dropped that this year, you need to work a lot quicker and 
get going on tasks as soon as they are given out. 
Remember we will mark those well who have done more than the minimum but who have stretched themeselves and produced work that is individual and personal.  We will be collecting sketchbooks in soon for marking of unit 1 and 2 ,this is a formal assessment point so there is everything to play for – get going!

Thursday, 17 September 2015

For Gayle's second years but Charmian's should do this too.....

In Preparation for a sketchbook review on Monday 21st September at 1pm I expect to see the following in your books. This is to secure a PASS grade only, if you are aiming for something higher you need to come up with a range of outcomes which are created from your own ideas and motivations.

  • AT LEAST two sustained drawings of the wasp.
  • Research on the wasp - including visuals
  • AT LEAST 4 large-scale drawings and paintings - the photos of these should be stuck into your books
  • Research on AT LEAST 3 artists - not copy and pasted info, but some discussion and analysis of the work + visual responses
  • AT LEAST 2 collages
  • AT LEAST 3 good quality gold card prints
  • Monoprint(s)
  • A wire wasp which has been scanned, used to emboss and been printed
  • 4 heat transfer prints + the stencils you used
  • 1 2D design stencil ready to spray
Have fun.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015




Your sketchbooks should be filling up with drawings, research, printing etc .  Artist Research should be complete now but if in doubt take a look Remember :

  1. Document 2 of the  artists’ work from the list in your sketchbooks, giving many  examples of their techniques and processes. 
  2.  Discuss  their observational skills and why you find them inspiring and indicate exactly the qualities you admired.   Analyse a variety of pieces: 
  3.  Tell me everything about how these practitioners operate- .  Find out about their ideas, how they draw or paint,  their chosen technique, processes and concepts behind their work.  What do you feel is interesting about this work, why are you attracted to it . Produce 500 words. P3.   Remember you should be discussing their use of observational skills 




  1. Look up 2 more contemporary designers or artists that you particularly like who use observational drawing within their work.  These can come from any website or blog you are aware of but should be practitioners that you really admire for their observational drawing and essentially inspire you.  Write a paragraph against each designer’s work evaluating exactly what  is interesting to you within this work that you admire. P3.  

  1. Produce 2 visual  responses  using appropriate materials  to these artists using the wasp theme as your subject .P1,P2,M1,D2

Reminder to you all- Thursday will be sketchbook review day.  Be prepared to show all your work so far.  All tasks on the homework sheet should be tackled. 

Have a go at the laser cutting - cut your wasps from card.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Here is the link to the Wasp 1 project.  You will need to log into Moodle to get it and it should take you to the project directly but you have a hard copy that I gave out the other day.  You will need to look at the project brief regularly to understand tasks properly


Make sure you have a go at artist research if you havn't already.

Still awaiting projects off a few of you

  • Design Diary 
  • Personal Statements 
  • and now Evaluations for life cycles

The Design diaries I have read so far have been really good. well done !!!!!

Thursday, 10 September 2015



Please make sure you complete by next Thursday 17 Sept
During this week you will be set small tasks every day to be completed the same day. You are required to keep up to date with daily tasks to pass this project. Use your time very carefully. We will expect you to work everyday in your directed study. Use the room to complete tasks after lessons but clean up afterwards
Overall 10-15 good pages of work across the week.
Some of this will be started in lessons, others you will be asked to prepare or complete. Stick to the deadline and you won’t fall behind.!

  • 3 pages research on the wasp theme, brainstorm thoroughly, google it, definition of this, anatomy, anything you can find about this creature- how they nest, attack etc
  • 2 sustained pencil or pen at home, large scale ink drawings using strong observational skills.
  • Set of 10 good strong photographs to work from using macro lenses showing detail for printmaking
  • Continue expressive drawing started in class using inks and food colouring
  • 2 gold cards cut – 1 styilised image and 1 expressive one, complete ink drawings, take photos of wasps and print out large A4 size for printmaking on Friday.
  • Research on 2 artists on brief and annotate their work discussing their observational work.

Find 2 additional contemporary designers that inspire your work, Work in the style of these to produce 2 visual responses. Produce at least 2 examples of each designer. Bring in Haynes manuels, and popular magazines for next week.
Remember that all tasks cover units so please spend time on all tasks to pass this project.