Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Gulliver's Travels

Gulliver's Travels from Jamie Hobbs on Vimeo.

Short animation focusing on snippets of movement based on the eighteenth century novel 'Gulliver's Travels' by Jonathan Swift. 
For more of my work and animations visit;

The audio is 'A Scarecrow's Tale' taken from I Monster's 'Neveroddoreven' album released in 2003 on 'Dharma Records'.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Invention's project - Animation: Alex Bass

While only very loosly related to the invention theme now, this is based on the lightbulb, and their link with pears. The link is that lightbult in German, roughly translates to a combination of the words "glowing" and "pear", which became the basis of this animation.

The animation can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up-ORGU7eIg

Or can be watched here:


Gulliver's Travells - Animations: Alex Bass

Below are the three animations I produced for the Gulliver project.

There are some problems with framerates and text not being dark/clear enough.

The idea was to look at the work of differnt artists and to do my animations in their styles.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

T-Shirt Design Project- Kate Simpson

In my research I found out about high heel racing in different countries and found this particular image which I paired with the phrase 'head over heels'. I starting a t-shirt design using biro and then moved on to a larger ink painting which I continued to add to, ending up with this final colourful ink painting. I then went on to use this phrase as a tag line for a brand which I used on my packaging for the t-shirts.

T-Shirt Design Project- Kate Simpson

After researching the stiletto heel, I produced several images based on phrases or ideas in it's history. This gold card is a response to the fact that the pressure under a heel is greater than that under the feet of an elephant.

Combining the heel with the stiletto blade it is named after.
Biro and Paint

Symbolising the term 'well-heeled' which used to refer to those of a high social status. 
Influenced by Luke Dixon, using ink.

Image is based on medical problems associated with wearing stiletto heels and depicts an x-ray of a foot whilst wearing heels. I used pencil overlayed with tissue paper and biro.

These images were observational drawings using coloured drawing inks which I allowed to bleed, and then added darker outlining using black ink when they had dried.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Inventions Project

Short animation looking into the history of television using a mix of digitally drawn sketches and old television footage dating back to mid-twentieth century. To find more of my work follow the link below;
The audio is 'XX' taken from Machinedrum's 'Want To 1 2?' album released in 2009 on Brooklyn-based boutique label 'Normrex'.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Friday, 18 January 2013

Hello Project: Alex, Sophie, Hannah, Matt and Alex

For our project we took inspiration from the different ways of saying hello; from the condesending teacher, to the patronising way we speak to pets.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Hello from Bex, Kate, Lizzie and Georgie

For our hello project we decided to look at letters as a way to say hello. We experimented with how people greeted each other in different times as well as how people say hello in different countries, and as a welcome to Britain we explored punk as something that is uniquely British but not very obvious. We also thought the postbox was a very British symbol.